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JoinedPosts by Esse quam videri
Ollin Moyle Rutherford letter request
by Diogenesister inhi all, does anyone know of or has a link to rutherford's letter to ollin moyle.. i 'm just trying to sow some seeds of doubt as to whether boozerford could have had god's holy spirit.. thanks all x.
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WTS checklist for Elders to destroy evidence?
by DarioKehl in
hot off the presses from exjw reddit earlier today.
massive leak in uk.. if true, this is big (and very, very disturbing)..
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I Think The Watchtower Corporation Would Offer An Excellent Study On CEOs and decision Making When Shackled By Idealism Or Something
by Brokeback Watchtower ini' sure the victims of this sham after they have recovered can understand the need to get in focused and the primitive drives to get revenge as well as the corporate
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It can be argued that justice has to be done. Revenge can be seen as a form of justice unfolding as the wronged person sees fit. Who has the right to judge whether someone seeks justice or the manner they choose? As long as it does not break any laws, revenge can have a very tempering affect. It can calm a troubled soul and cleanse the mind. Revenge can help a person leave the past behind and get on with life. It is reasonable that a certain number of 'cast aside' bethelites, district overseers, circuit overseers and special pioneers will seek revenge in their own way. Maybe some will become contributing members of this forum.
'Interesting stories they will have.'
New movie "Spotlight" coming out - child abuse cover-ups
by WireRider ini just saw a commercial for a new movie coming out.
spotlight - about a newspaper exposing the cover-ups of the catholic church about child sexual abuse.
michael keaton, mark ruffalo.
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Wow. I don't go to movies anymore but I may go to this one. Yeah, I think I will go see this one. -
I Think The Watchtower Corporation Would Offer An Excellent Study On CEOs and decision Making When Shackled By Idealism Or Something
by Brokeback Watchtower ini' sure the victims of this sham after they have recovered can understand the need to get in focused and the primitive drives to get revenge as well as the corporate
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I think I understand what you mean and I agree with you.
Revenge can take many interesting forms. We wait to see.
3 - online Bible - New World Translation - Study Edition
by Esse quam videri ini went into to look up a scripture in the nwt and clicked on new world translation - study edition.
i wanted to go into the book of malachi.
the different bible books were laid in a grid pattern and i clicked on malachi.
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I went into to look up a scripture in the NWT and clicked on New World Translation - Study Edition
I wanted to go into the book of Malachi
The different bible books were laid in a grid pattern and I clicked on Malachi. No response. Directions said , " Books available are in blue. More books will be added in time." Guess how many books were available.
ONE. Only the book of Matthew out of 66 books.
Why would the WT Bible and Tract Society bother putting, on the site, a study edition of the NWT with only 1 book available. Like a bunch of amateurs. In my opinion, a professional organization would construct the complete data and then add it to the online library.
Possible reason for cancellation of book study in homes.
by Amelia Ashton inthis was posted on fb.. so guys, i'm gonna share something with you all that i think you should know.
i've only told two people about this (one being john cedars) for fear of getting this guy into trouble, but it's very telling and will reaffirm your "ttatt faith!
a couple of weeks ago, i had to have an "ability to protect" assessment by a gentleman from a company that also investigates child protection policies etc.
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How confident are you about various so called facts?
by slimboyfat inno facts about the world are absolutely certain.
that being the case i wonder how others would rank amd rate their confidence in various factual statements about the world.
i am going to rate my confidence in ten items of "knowledge" as a percentage.
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1. The earth is a sphere rather than flat in shape. 100 %
2. Global warming is a real phenomenon of serious concern that is caused by human activities. 65%
3. Life on Earth evolved its many forms through the process of natural selection. o.o1%
4. The gospels are based on a real apocalyptic preacher called Jesus who lived in first century Palestine. 90%
5. J F Rutherford was a drunk who cheated on his wife with various women.
Was a drunk or drank too much sometimes?
Cheated on his wife with various women? 10%
6. Smoking causes lung cancer. 100%
7. Men really walked on the moon. 100%
8. Consciousness survives death. 0.5%
9. Moses wrote the Pentateuch. 35%
10. Dragons exists. 0.000000000000000001%
11. Homeopathy is effective beyond placebo. 20%
12. O J Simpson was innocent. 0.000000000001%
13. Scotland will be an independent country within 20 years. 20%
14. There will be a nuclear war sometime in the 21st century. .05%
15. The New Testament originally contained the divine name. 90%
16. At least one of the presidents of the Watchtower was homosexual. 15%
17. The universe began in a Big Bang around 14 billion years ago. 85%
14 billion years ago 10%
With a big bang. 0.00000000000000001%
18. China is the country with the most people. 100%
Proof of Predation 750 000 000 Years Ago
by cofty inpaleontologists have discovered the cause of small holes that have frequently been observed in ancient eukaryote fossils.
please check out the source even if you only look at the amazing picture.... they were being sucked dry by other predatory species.. forget about a "fall" from a disneyesque utopia.
creatures have been consuming each other since the very beginning of life.. reality is far more exciting than fantasy.
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750,000,000 years?
Are they sure it wasn't 755,000,000 years?
A True Story: PORTRAIT OF A GIRL and her dog
by Terry inportrait of a girl and her dog.
(a true story by terry edwin walstrom).
her name was cheryl ann draper and she was about 11 years old the day she begged her daddy, who worked at a gas station, to let her go with him to work.
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Sorry Terry. I can only give you one like.